We Do Game
                        localizationWe Do Game localization

Localizing a game is an investment in your success on new markets.

We offer high-quality game localization solutions for your games with our experienced translators who are also enthusiastic gamers themselves!

At Gallop Translations all your gaming content will be localized especially for its intended market in line with our professional standards.

Localizing a game is an investment in your success on new markets. We work with game publishers and developers, localizing mobile, desktop, browser, and console games into more than 40 languages.

Quality localization has a positive impact on:

  • Audience expansion
  • Player retention
  • Featuring
  • Customer lifetime value (LTV)
  • Marketplace search rankings

We will help you select the regional market for your game/s and localize it for you using our native speakers. Our localization take into account the linguistic and cultural differences in various countries: we know how significant subtle nuances can be.

In the gaming sector, actual growth is not seen in the local market share, but rather through the increase in global growth. Consequently, gaming companies that are focused on success usually want to appeal to as many gamers around the globe as possible. And the way to reach different cultures and age groups around the world is through high-quality game localization.

For us localization is the art of translating experiences, not solely words. Whenever we embark on the localization process of a game, our main goal is for every gamer to enjoy the game regardless of the language it was originally developed in. The moment you play a game and lose track of time, your heart races when you level up, your palms get sweaty during scary levels or that very moment when you connect with the game’s characters…that’s when localization was done right.

We do:

  • In-game Localization
  • Localization Testing
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Localization
  • Project Management
  • Media Localization
  • Audiovisual Localization
  • Transcreation
  • Style Guide Creation
  • Glossary Creation
  • Localization Consulting
  • Game Localization Quality Control

Gallop Translations not only offers vast linguistic and technical expertise in games localization, but also employs dedicated teams, including language professionals and gamers, fluent in different game genres, so that you can ensure that your game localization project is handled by the most qualified resources.

Game localization services